Wine in moderation by Sogrape Vinhos

From the outset, Sogrape Vinhos has supported the European viticultural sector's "Wine in Moderation" initiative, which was signed in June 2008 by Sogrape Vinhos' President of the Board of Directors, Salvador Guedes. Its Charter of Social Responsibility entitled For the healthy consumption of wine documents a number of commitments, namely:

  • To effectively communicate a lifestyle that promotes the moderate consumption of wine, avoiding publicity or promotions that encourage its abuse or improper use by consumers and that discourage drinking among young people under the age of 18, pregnant women and those with health problems;
  • Upholding and complying with current European standards, promoting them to its distributors, customers and consumers;
  • Implementing internal self-regulation measures in marketing and selling its wines, including training its teams and providing information on moderation and responsibility to consumers who visit its facilities;
  • Providing specific information on wine and health on various websites, as well as links to other Internet sites about healthy wine drinking;
  • Consistent message "Be responsible. Drink in moderation." in all advertising material;
  • Promoting moderate wine-drinking, encouraging wine to be served by the glass and offering bottles that facilitate individual consumption.