
Wine and gastronomy: a very good combination.

An integral part of the Mediterranean diet, wine has evolved from an important source of nutrition to a cultural complement to food. In some countries, such as Spain, wine has been recognised by law as a food.
The traditional diet in the mediterranean is characterised by the moderate, daily consumption of wine – generally red wine – at mealtimes.
Previous studies show a positive correlation between the strict adherence to this type of dietary regime and increased life expectancy, as well as a reduced risk of debilitating diseases like Type 2 Diabetes and Alzheimers.

Nowadays, with guaranteed food supplies and the exciting evolution of the culinary arts and gastronomy, it is important to refer to the hundreds of thousands of wines that exist, the millions of different dishes and the many millions of different palates on this planet.
The best way to start is to accompany your food with what you like to drinkIt is useful to think of wine as an ingredient in a dish, one of the last herbs to add prior to eating, much like a dash of salt or pepper. Wine can lift a tired meal or give body and weight to a light dish. Conversely, food can intensify and elevate the flavours of a wine.
Don't drink a delicate white wine with a heavy meat dish or pair a powerful red with a fillet of sole – treat them as incompatible flavours and textures.
Give a thought to the manner of preparation, the ways in which food is readied and the senses are used.

Never forget to enjoy the wine that accompanies your meal, together with a cup of water.